News & press

28 Oct, 2021

Mobile emulsion production and bitumen storage installation for GTR Colas


A subsidiary of the Colas Group, one of the largest construction groups in the world, Les Grands Travaux Routiers (GTR) has been working for over 50 years in Morocco and other neighboring countries. We construct roads, motorways, bridges, and viaducts and are a point of reference in the sector in terms of the technologies used, attention to safety, respect for the environment and enhancement of its human resources. GTR invests continuously and according to a specific program to improve the services offered, materials used, the machinery employed and the qualification of its human resources.


Tambacounda - Senegal

Year of completion



We realized a mobile installation for GTR Colas for the production of bituminous emulsions consisting of the following elements:

- Emulsions production plant type EVO 3500 AAB TS, entirely built inside a 40' container
- Skid for storage and heating of pure bitumen, type DUPLEX, consisting of:
o N° 1 horizontal bitumen storage tank, type TH40, capacity 40 mc, equipped with a motorized valve for automatic temperature control of the product in storage
o No. 1 thermal oil boiler, type MG30, power 300.000 kcal/h for the supply of thermal oil to the above-mentioned TH40. The boiler’s design was revised to shorten its dimensions and allow easier installation on the skid
o Volumetric gear pump, type FA35, flow rate 35,000 l/h, for filling the bitumen tank from a filling truck
o Pipes and valves for the heating circuit and the connection between the FE35 pump and the TH40 tank
- Electrical control panel

What we did

To solve the typical problems of containerised solutions (such as the limited internal space for ordinary and extraordinary maintenance operations and the possible stagnation of fumes emitted by the aqueous and bituminous phase), the following solutions were implemented:

- Re-design of the standard structure of the emulsions plant on the skid to contain its dimensions as much as possible and increase the space available inside the container
- Creation of specific access/inspection gates at various points of particular importance, to facilitate accessibility from outside in case of need
- Addition of suitable manifolds for conveying and extracting the fumes from the aqueous and bituminous phases

De-installation, moving to another site and subsequent re-installation was made easier by the provision of a range of flexible connecting pipes that allow greater variability in the mutual positioning of the two elements of the installation.


We were able to respond to a customer’s needs promptly and with expertise, both in the production process and the plants.
The realization of a fully containerised emulsions plant, as well as the supply of the DUPLEX for the storage of pure bitumen, was carried out at the specific request of the customer, who needed to install the plant in a particularly remote area. We, therefore, provided a solution that would guarantee:

- Easy handling of the entire installation
- A high degree of protection against atmospheric agents
- Inaccessibility to the system and components to unauthorized persons

We are proud to have worked for GRT Colas, part of a leading international group in the construction sector and one of the world's largest producers of emulsions.

Need a project similar to this one? Contact us now to speak with one of our experts and get all your questions answered.

Where we are

Massenza S.r.l.

Head office and factory:
Via Bologna, 12 - 43036 Fidenza (Parma), Italy

Telephone: +39 0524 202811
Fax: +39 0524 530205