
Cut-back plants


Cut-back is currently used for some spraying applications like priming, tack coat, etc. This is obtained by blending bitumen with a controlled amounts of petroleum distillates (such as kerosene or diesel oil) in order to reduce its viscosity.

Thanks to that:

  • it can be sprayed at lower temperature than the neat bitumen;
  • it can penetrate more effectively into the aggregate base.

To support our customers with an easy and safe solution for the cut-back production, we have designed a plant with an high production rate for instantaneous mixing of bitumen and petroleum derivates.

The cut-back is therefore produced and immediately after loaded into the spraying tank or carrier without the necessity to install any storage tank for it - avoiding the big danger of storing a product with flammable fumes.

The plant can produce cut-backs with petroleum distillates percentages from 5% up to 50%. Production output varies from 15 T/h up to 50 T/h.


Send us your request

Have we convinced you? If you need further information or a quote for your next machine, please fill out and submit the form below. Our sales staff will contact you shortly to answer your questions.

Where we are

Massenza S.r.l.

Head office and factory:
Via Bologna, 12 - 43036 Fidenza (Parma), Italy

Telephone: +39 0524 202811
Fax: +39 0524 530205